Chapter 2


Welcome back to the Parker/Grayson Alphabetacy.  Our founder is a downloaded sim named Orlando Parker – because I was not in the mood to make a sim and his un-spouse Blake Grayson.  She is a commitment phobe from Hidden Springs.


Together, they have twin girls Absinthe, the lonely one on the floor and Amaretto, the starving one in the crib.


Then we have the newest addition, Axu.  Orlando came home, dropped her in the backyard and went back to work.  Blake was a being a butthead, so I had to age Axu up immediately.


Yes, Blake’s pre-birthday woohoo was a fertile success.  Arkvoodle showed up to get a gander at Axu.  He ate some goopy carbonara and took off.


Orlando ages up to adult.


It’s a basket!  You can see Axu’s head in the playpen.  Yay for hands off skilling.


Fertility treatment x 2!  Apparently that means that my 0% chances of quads is ignored.  They got two boys and two girls.  On the left are Amber Moon and Anisette.  On the right is Arrack and Applejack.

I am under the influence of wine, so all the kids will be named after alcohol/alcoholic beverages/cocktails.  Only aliens from abductions will get alien names.


Omg.  Not a single happy person in the house.  I think only Axu is not crying.





Birthdays mean we have an emergency reno day.


Not that these two care.

Blake: “Honey, get up!  I still have 5 days to elder!”


They were asleep before he even pulled out.  I have no clue if it was normal/risky/tfb.

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The girls are exhausted and are still forced to head to their first day of school.  Amaretto and Absinthe.

Traits were locked in because neither one learned to potty.  And they both earned Blake’s ugly lips.


Five toddlers, one adult.  She spends most of her day passed out.


I told you to go shower…not cart a kid upstairs to leave to starve.


First day of school.  Done.


Axu ages up and I realized real quick that she not only has no alien dna, she has no alien dad.


Blake, passed out yet again, is almost late for work.

25 2627 Applejack

Anisette (green eyes), Amber Moon (blue eyes), Arrack (green eyes) and Applejack (blue eyes).


Arrack is also on the opposite schedule of everyone in the house and the main reason no one else sleeps.


By the time Arrack is fed, changed and ready for bed, the next two are up for feeding, changing and then the fourth one gets up.


o.O  Maternity spin.


Amaretto: “Mother clogged up all the toilets again with her puke.”
Absinthe and Orlando: “Trying to eat here!”



The girls wanted makeovers like Axu.  They are wearing the same thing, just have colors in opposite.  Since they are only kids for two days, makeovers will never happen again until teen.


Orlando has the night shift.


When he leaves for work, Blake takes over.  Arrack is still on the wrong schedule.


Absinthe: “Homework!”
Axu: “Will your mother ever stop popping out kids?”


Blake: “Shut it you freak!”
Amaretto: “I get the computer first when homework is done!”


The first one eats and  poops.  The second poops while eating and third one is waiting to eat so he/she can poop.  Number four is still asleep, but is about to wake up to eat and poop.  At leas they are on schedule now.


They are finally about to learn some skills.    Orlando may starve to death, but at least the kids are occupied.


Blake got home early and took the skilled up kids out of their jails and let them play for the day.


After a two hour nap, Orlando runs off to work where he hopes he can be fed.


Blake did get a small nap, but soon the kids were ready for lunch and naptime.


Orlando came home from work and passed out just as it was bedtime one and wake up time for the other three.


Blake: “They’re all yours.  I’m going to bed.”
Orlando: “No, no, no.  I’m going to bed!”


Then they both stopped what they were doing and woke up all the kids.  I had no clue what was going on until they started having birthdays.

Amber Moon 2 Applejack 2

Amber Moon and Applejack.   Exhausted.

Arrack 2

Arrack.  I apparently forgot Anisette.  Oopsie.


Elsewhere….more birthdays.

Absinthe Amaretto 2Axu

Absinthe, Amaretto and Axu who somehow aged up a day early.

Anisette 2

Aha, Anisette was out of line and aged up after the teens.

Traits for the quads were locked in since none learned to potty.


Someone wanted Bonehilda, I think it was Absinthe.  She was deleted the next day after the 100th green salad littered the house.


Orlando: “800 people in the house and none of you could tell me that mommy was in labor!”


I was so glad that they only had two…I was hoping for only one though.  One is Alabazam and the other is Aqua Vitae, twin boys.


Orlando: “I’m not ready to be an elder!”
Blake: “Haha, you’re about to be an old man.”


Orlando: “I hate being old already.”


Blake: “You bitch!  I still had two days!”
Too bad.  I hate you.

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Absinthe and Amaretto got their teen makeovers.


Even after 8 kids together, Blake still refuses to marry him.  I believe he has tried to Have a Private wedding at least 6 times now.


The oldest three run off to get jobs since all the money is gone after the previous renovation.


Axu is the only one who has held, fed and changed the twins.

Alabazam 1 Aqua Vitae

Alabazam and Aqua Vitae.

5 thoughts on “Chapter 2

    1. Yeah, I wanted to see how many I could have in a very short amount of time.

      No, not really. That was brutal and reading through it again reminded me why never to do that again.

  1. I was going to comment that Absinthe was the only one to get Orlando’s green hair, but looks like the youngest did as well.

    Good work on having so many kids in the short time frame! Hopefully the teens can help out with the babies now, so mum and dad can (finally) get some sleep. I can imagine money would be pretty tight with such a fast legacy, not much time for promotions, especially for mum if she’s popping out the kids. But they are all adorable. And I love their eyes, what defaults do you use?

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